Molecular Plant和Plant Communications“MPlant Virtual Seminar”系列讲座将于北京时间2022年3月23日(周三)下午4点邀请中科院分子植物科学卓越创新中心的Chanhong Kim博士进行在线讲解和交流,讲座题目为Photosynthetic Singlet Oxygen Signaling: Old Topic, New Understanding。本系列讲座对全球各地的科研工作者免费开放。
16:00-17:00 (北京时间)
Mar 23, 2022
8:00-9:00 (GMT/UTC)
Mar 23, 2022
3:00-4:00 (EST, USA)
会议ID:876 456 1150
Photosynthetic Singlet Oxygen Signaling: Old Topic, New Understanding
Dr. Chanhong Kim
Dr. Chanhong Kim received his bachelor’s and master’s degree from Dongguk University, South Korea, and got his Ph.D. in the Institute of Plant Sciences, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. He did his postdoc work at the Institute of Plant Sciences, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, and the Boyce Thompson Institute, Cornell University, USA. Dr. Chanhong Kim is currently a Principal Investigator in the Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The primary research themes in the Kim laboratory are perception/responding mechanism of chloroplast to stress, chloroplast-to-nucleus signaling, and chloroplast-mediated stress response, including growth inhibition, acclimation, and cell death. In addition, they will try to understand the mechanism that underlies chloroplast-mitochondria communication and chloroplast-dependent epigenetic inheritance.